Why You Need a Body-Solid PFT100 Functional Trainer
Since this piece of exercise equipment has been introduced to the fitness market, it has been one of the most popular pieces

Top 5 Fitness Myths – Debunked!
Stop falling for these common fitness myths and be on your way to a healthier, stronger, leaner, and more muscular you.

“Spring” Into Shape With Body-Solid
It may still be snowing in your part of the country, but don’t be fooled, spring is just around the corner! For
Show Your Heart Some Love This February
The hearts we most commonly think about during the month of February are the bright red ones filled with chocolates. However, at

Make Fitness a Priority in 2019
When it comes to making resolutions for the year going back to the gym and losing weight or trying to gain muscle
Top 5 Gifts For Fitness Enthusiasts
We know it’s hard to find that ultimate gift for a fitness enthusiast. They seem to have everything to satisfy their workout
Should I Buy a Used Cybex Arc Trainer?
Buying a used Cybex Arc Trainer can be a venturous task. Some questions you’ll need to consider before purchasing are: · Was
Fast-track to Fitness with These Time Saving Tips
Whether you’re just getting started on your fitness journey or you’re an avid athlete, there are plenty of ways to manage your